實體放映時間:12/05㊀17:50-19:35+映後座談★,實體放映地點:光點華山電影館1樓 2廳(A Two)
2021|法國|法語|102 min|普
導演:艾曼紐卡瑞Emmanuel Carrere
一名資深記者歐貝納為了調查法國社會底層失業人口現況,化身失業勞工前往北部港口城市卡昂 (Caen) 進行親身調查。天天前往就業服務中心報到的她,最好的狀況也只是能同時兼幾份臨時工,並在各個相距遙遠的工作地點間奔波往返。在那個底層世界,工作非常稀有,可以歇息的夜晚非常短,大家連生病的權利都沒有,因為沒有保險負擔看病的錢。歐貝納希望能藉此機會將觀察寫入成書,並替底層世界的人們發聲。
Marianne Winckler, a well-known author, goes to live in northern France to research for her new book on the subject of job insecurity. Without revealing her true identity, she gets hired as a cleaner, working with a group of other women. In this new role, she experiences financial instability and social invisibility first-hand. But she also discovers mutual assistance and solidarity, strong bonds shared by these behind-the-scenes working women.