實體放映時間:11/26㊅13:00-14:30+映後座談★,實體放映地點:光點華山電影館2樓 多功能藝文廳
2022|臺灣|國語|90 min|普
2016 年,那年的臺灣影視產業尚在低谷,日益減少的製作量,讓業界裡瀰漫著不確定的感覺。最基層的表演者「臨時演員」,對於他們來說,更是艱難。故事從一個熱愛表演的男子開始,他的名字是張可韓,工作是全職臨時演員,現領 500 酬勞的臨演工作,已從事三年。他每天必做的事項有:上網搜尋各種試鏡機會、投履歷,運氣好的話,才會接到試鏡通知。為了演出主角的夢想,他與夥伴決定一闖當時人人嚮往的中國影視產業,如同唐吉軻德一般,西進步上未知的旅程。其他片中的演員被攝者-南部北上的女孩與龍哥,他們的經歷亦反映了性別與年齡在影視業界的限制,除了要面對業界選角刻版印象的挑戰,也要能平衡家庭與工作上的經濟難題。
In 2016, Taiwan's film and television industry was in a recession. This made life even more difficult for the lowest-level performers, the extras. The story begins with Kehan Zhang, a man who loves acting and works as a full-time extra. He had been working as an extra for three years and paid NTD 500 in cash every time. His daily routine includes searching for various audition opportunities, submitting resumes, and only receiving audition notices every now and then. To fulfill the dream of becoming a leading actor, he decided to venture into the film and television industry in China and started his Don Quixote journey with pals. The documentary also films other actors and actresses - the girl from the south and Brother Long, and how they experienced gender and age limitations in the industry. Besides the stereotypes in the industry, they also faced challenges balancing work and family.