實體放映時間:11/27㊐17:00-17:50,實體放映地點:光點華山電影館2樓 多功能藝文廳
2018|臺灣|國語|48 min|普
你能想像,你的工作沒有勞健保、無法請病假、產假、婚假、連喪假都沒有,做再久都沒有年資累計、升遷未來,永遠沒有退休提撥嗎?這些被我們視為理所當然的,在臺灣,有一群承攬人員,並非短期任務派聘,卻長期連最基本勞基法的保障,都是奢求…,而他們,是為政府工作。 2018年10月本片播出後,喚起政府緊盯承攬派遣勞工權益,勞動部、衛福部、原民會及退輔會四個部會,發新聞稿將表示將要求外包廠商,將年假計入,而未來標案也會將年資累計算入成本。而2019年1月,影片中原本無勞健保的原住民電視臺承攬記者,皆獲轉正職。
Imagine a job without any employee benefit. In Taiwan, there are a number of permanent contractors who do not have the basic benefits and are not protected by labor law. Surprisingly, they even work for the government.
After the film was released in October 2018, the Ministry of Labor, the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Council of Indigenous Peoples, and the Veterans Affairs Council urged their contracting agencies to include paid-leave to the salary packages and add seniority into future bid costs. In January 2019, the contract reporters filmed in the documentary were officially recruited as employees. The film successfully created changes.