實體放映時間:11/27㊐16:00-16:30,實體放映地點:光點華山電影館2樓 多功能藝文廳
2020|臺灣、緬甸|緬甸語|25 min|普
2010 年緬甸鎖國 60 年到對外開放,吸引了大量的外資進入開發,其中以中國最為強勢。在一帶一路大國崛起的背景下,主角李永恆從 臺北回到故鄉緬甸,想乘著時代巨浪,賺取現況最熱的中國錢。永恆和伙伴們,替中國人開墾北邊森林地,賺到錢後,人性也跟著時代一起改變...。
After 60 years of diplomatic isolation, Myanmar finally opened to the outside world in 2010. Large numbers of foreign investments were drawn into the country for its development. Among them, China is the most powerful one. Within the framework of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, the protagonist Yongheng Li returns to his hometown Myanmar from Taipei, dreaming that the hot money from China will flow to him. He and his partners reclaim the northern forestland for the Chinese. The money they makes is about to change human nature and the times....