《宅在瘟疫蔓延時》Tales of the Lockdown

實體放映時間:11/25㊄19:00-20:30,實體放映地點:1樓 1廳(A One)

2020|西班牙|西班牙語|91 min|輔15
導演:費南多寇洛摩Fernando Colomo、艾拉羅費南德茲阿爾梅羅Alvaro Fernández-Armero、大衛馬克斯David Marqués、米格爾巴登Miguel Bardem、胡安迪亞哥波托Juan Diego Botto


The suffering lockdown in many countries due to the global pandemic was the best  and  the worst of times. Tales of the Lockdown tells five original stories that set in Covid-19 lockdown.

Maca, in Emparedados, informs her new neighbor about the history of the house and promotes the "Feng Shui Purification" solution for this haunted house in which serial murders took place, without knowing the upcoming disasters. El aprendiz depicts how a hitman continues his training online during the pandemic. In Finlandia, Susana cannot fly to Finland to meet her fiance due to flight cancellation during the pandemic. Her flatmate, Carlos, is about to make a move on her. Self Tape is about an actress’s audition read. She has to ask her husband for help, but is the Real Madrid football player able to even read the difficult lines of a history drama? In Gourmet, Suso, a real estate tycoon, has to remotely orchestrate a takedown of tenants against rent increase. He receives a suspicious package the next day.


2022勞動影像嘉年華—臺北勞工影展開幕式,北市勞動局蔡惠雅科長、策展顧問陳璽文、勞動局長高寶華、西班牙商務辦事處處長 Mr.Eduardo Euba Aldape及羅煥禎秘書長,與觀眾合影留念。

2022勞動影像嘉年華—臺北勞工影展開幕式,左起策展顧問陳璽文、北市勞動局長高寶華、西班牙商務辦事處處長 Mr.Eduardo Euba Aldape及羅煥禎秘書長合影。



2022勞動影像嘉年華—臺北勞工影展開幕式,西班牙商務辦事處處長 Mr.Eduardo Euba Aldape分享開幕片拍攝背景及分享疫情期間西班牙的勞動環境。






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