《總編的復仇》KIBA:The Fangs of Fiction

實體放映時間:12/06㊁17:50-19:45,實體放映地點:光點華山電影館1樓 2廳(A Two)

2021|日本|日語|113 min|普
導演:吉田大八 Daihachi Yoshida


Major publisher Kunpusya Inc. is shaken. The publishing industry has long been suffering from the recession, but now to make it worse, the CEO who was from the founding family has suddenly passed away. A power struggle arises over who will take his place. The executive manager, Tomatsu (Koichi Sato) is trying to change the company from its core, and he gives impossible tasks to Hayami (Yo Oizumi), the eccentric chief editor of a struggling magazine called Trinity. And now, Trinity is about to be discontinued.
With his smooth talking, Hayami and rookie editor Takano (Mayu Matsuoka) go out to get people like a young hot writer, a powerful author and a popular model into contributing to the magazine. They desperately try to not get the magazine discontinued by approaching their rival magazines, colleagues, higher ups at the publisher, etc. Lies, betrayals, leaks and accusations... As each of them hides their hidden intentions, Hayami tries to survive!


2022勞動影像嘉年華—臺北勞工影展開幕式,北市勞動局蔡惠雅科長、策展顧問陳璽文、勞動局長高寶華、西班牙商務辦事處處長 Mr.Eduardo Euba Aldape及羅煥禎秘書長,與觀眾合影留念。

2022勞動影像嘉年華—臺北勞工影展開幕式,左起策展顧問陳璽文、北市勞動局長高寶華、西班牙商務辦事處處長 Mr.Eduardo Euba Aldape及羅煥禎秘書長合影。



2022勞動影像嘉年華—臺北勞工影展開幕式,西班牙商務辦事處處長 Mr.Eduardo Euba Aldape分享開幕片拍攝背景及分享疫情期間西班牙的勞動環境。






2022臺北勞工影展記者會陳璽文策展顧問 高寶華局長 周震代言人及鄭雅慧評審合照

2022臺北勞工影展記者會陳璽文策展顧問 高寶華局長 周震代言人 鄭雅慧評審與勞動金像獎入圍團隊合影