《二〇二〇年的一場雨》Rain In 2020

實體放映時間:11/26㊅15:50-17:10+映後座談★,實體放映地點:光點華山電影館1樓 1廳(A One)

2021|臺灣、緬甸|國語、緬甸語|79 min|輔12
導演:李永超 Lee Yong-Chao


This seven-years-documentary tells a family’s changing and the current situation of the society in Myanmar. The pandemic had been spreading in 2020, A major collapse happened at a jadeite mine, many miners was killed and injured,and Ah Tian was forced to go back home from the jade mine in the rainy season. A heavy rain causes the family and the entire village soaking in the flooding sewage. Masks getting wet and dry over and over again is like people in Myanmar tucking in the life dilemma. Nobody knows when will the muddy water be gone and the calm after the storm is…


2022勞動影像嘉年華—臺北勞工影展開幕式,北市勞動局蔡惠雅科長、策展顧問陳璽文、勞動局長高寶華、西班牙商務辦事處處長 Mr.Eduardo Euba Aldape及羅煥禎秘書長,與觀眾合影留念。

2022勞動影像嘉年華—臺北勞工影展開幕式,左起策展顧問陳璽文、北市勞動局長高寶華、西班牙商務辦事處處長 Mr.Eduardo Euba Aldape及羅煥禎秘書長合影。
