導演: 伊爾凱爾·恰塔克İlker Çatak|德國|2023|劇情片|德語|99min|保護級
Carla Nowak (LEONIE BENESCH), a dedicated sports and math teacher, starts her first job at a high school. She stands out among the new staff because of her idealism. When a series of thefts occur at the school and one of her students is suspected, she decides to get to the bottom of the matter on her own. Carla tries to mediate between outraged parents, opinionated colleagues and aggressive students, but is relentlessly confronted with the structures of the school system. The more desperately she tries to do everything right, the more the young teacher threatens to break.
導演: 奧黛麗·迪萬Audrey Diwan|法國|2021|劇情片|法語|99min|限制級
60年代的法國,法律嚴令禁止女性墮胎。一名就讀文學系、天資聰穎的單身女大學生安,發現自己意外懷孕,隨著隱瞞的孕期逐漸推進,而面臨中斷學業的危機。不甘受困歧異的框架,更不願就此葬送未來的夢想,這個難以言說的秘密,即便受守舊醫生百般阻撓、人們異樣眼光看待,甚至可能遭逢牢獄之災,她仍決定鋌而走險,就算痛苦絕望、撕裂創傷,也要不惜一切代價尋求解脫。 《正發生》榮獲第78屆威尼斯影展最高榮譽金獅獎,改編自法國文壇重量級作家安妮艾諾的半自傳小說《記憶無非徹底看透的一切》,由法國才女導演奧黛麗迪萬執導,是部極度寫實而充滿爭議的話題之作。全片透過貼近而細膩的視角切入,彷彿與主角共感沈浸偌大的身心折磨,緊繃的情緒讓人幾乎喘不過氣。就在事過境遷半世紀後,直到今日一切似乎仍正在發生。
I got knocked up like a poor girl. This is the story of Anne, a young woman who decides to abort to finish her studies and escape the social constraints of a working-class family. France in 1963: a society that censures women’s desires. And sex in general. This simple but cruel story follows the itinerary of a woman who decides to go against the law. Anne has only a little time before her. Her exams are just around the corner, and her baby bump is growing fast...
導演: 文·溫德斯Wim Wenders|德國|2023|劇情片|日語|124min|普遍級
平山(役所廣司 飾)似乎相當安逸於他在東京從事廁所清潔工的簡單生活。在他井然有序的日常生活以外,他沉浸於對音樂與書本的愛好。他也熱愛樹木,並拍攝透過樹葉縫隙流瀉而下的光影照片。一系列的不期而遇,逐漸揭露更多他的過往。這是一部關於從周遭尋找日常世界之美、深刻感人且饒富詩意的靜思之作。
Hirayama seems utterly content with his simple life as a cleaner of toilets in Tokyo. Outside of his very structured everyday routine he enjoys his passion for music and for books. And he loves trees and takes photos of them. A series of unexpected encounters gradually reveal more of his past. A deeply moving and poetic reflection on finding beauty in the everyday world around us.
導演: 派瑞斯薩西拉 Paris Zarcilla|英國|2023|劇情片|英語、菲律賓語|100min|輔12級
Written and directed by Paris Zarcilla, Raging Grace centres the Filipino experience using brushstrokes of horror and drama rendered through the prism of race and power.Raging Grace tells the story of Joy, an undocumented immigrant who lands a job as a care worker for a terminal old man and secures a better life for her and her daughter,Grace. But an unexpected discovery threatens to destroy everything she's worked for and holds dear. This bold coming-of-rage transports audiences beyond terror to deliver us to the joy and peace we find when we transgress our masters.
導演: 姚志衞JOW Zhi-wei|臺灣|2023|劇情片|國語、英語、緬甸語|105min|輔12級
Life is not the most fulfilling for sixteen-year-old Meng: he spent his days lounging at home with his grieving father, feeling excluded from his family's past, having to take care of his dying grandmother and being forced into bullying other kids at school. Everything changes when he is thrown into a life-altering adventure that propels him into an exciting and unfamiliar landscape.
導演: 蔡俊彬 TSAI Chun-pin|臺灣|2023|劇情片|國語|81min|保護級
阿菲,一位年輕的工廠作業員,未婚懷孕已經 40 週。老闆威脅若生完小孩無法立刻回來上班,就要她自動辭職。原本以為請人照顧小孩,阿菲就可以保住工作,偏偏那位無照保母收了錢卻不見蹤影,使阿菲懷疑遇到了詐騙。為了拿回 錢,她只能拜託最恨的前男友、同時也是小孩的爸爸幫忙。萬萬沒想到,單純的找人,卻意外牽扯出一起虐童事件… Afie, a young factory worker, is unmarried and 40 weeks pregnant. Her boss says she must resign if she cannot return to work immediately after giving birth. Initially, Afie thought hiring someone to take care of the child would allow her to keep her job, but unfortunately, the unlicensed babysitter she hired disappeared after taking her money, leading Afie to suspect fraud. To recover her money, she has no choice but to reluctantly ask her ex-boyfriend, who is also the father of the child, for help. But she never expected this simple search would uncover a case of child abuse...
導演: 賈克·基米Jaak Kilmi 、 倫納特·拉伯倫斯Lennart Laberenz|愛沙尼亞|2015|紀錄片|愛沙尼亞語、英語|59min|普遍級
自90年代初期快時尚登上舞臺,追求服裝價格便宜及尋求價格最低的供應商蔚為潮流。本片探討為了短時間於時裝周推出最新的潮流服飾,讓消費者以低廉的價格,快速買到新潮的服飾,服裝被運往世界各地的過程及便宜服飾的背後,可能產生的虐待童工及剝削時薪的現象,這些品質差只能持續一季的服飾,通常不會困擾消費者,因為商店裡總有新的及便宜的產品等著,服裝快速的失去了價值,也導致環境破壞及大量的工業廢棄物。我們與時裝設計師 Reet Aus一起嘗試尋找問題的答案是否有出路?
We live in an era of global consumption. The fashion industry is at the forefront of a rally to grow and produce cheaper.Cotton pickers in Peru, textile workers and seamstresses in Bangladesh, retailers and high street buyers in London, shoppers in New York, Berlin and Tallinn – they form a globally operating mechanism, constantly pushing forward to new trends and higher profit margins. This mechanism has at its core an ever-growing lust to consume.For that thousands of third world factories do not only produce garments for huge retailers but also large masses of leftovers and tons of waste, which often is discarded directly into rivers and creeks. The fast fashion trends more sooner than later are discarded: Of poor quality and quickly to be replaced they are throwaway items.This documentary explores a world of glowing smiles, a global race and some chances for alternatives. And our own wardrobe.
導演: 陳立謙Teddy Chin|臺灣|2020|劇情片|國語、馬來語|109min|保護級
55歲的Andy經過多年努力,終於成為半個女人,在外型上找到真實的自己,卻失去家庭和工作,上天還把他最重要的朋友奪走,讓Andy生無可戀。Andy在某日邂逅了蘇荷母子, 一時同情心起收留了他們,沒料到卻改變了他的人生。然而,當同事阿德的出現,當一張彩票中了大獎,伴隨而來的卻是更多醜惡、不堪,以及真相。 After years of struggle, 55-year-old Andy finally declares herself a woman. But making her dreams come true comes at a price, as wearing dresses made her losing her job and her family. It never rains but it pours. Her closest friend also suddenly passes away, leaving Andy at a loss. But one day, a chance meeting with a mother and son with nowhere to go unexpectedly changes her life.
導演: 王禮霖Jin ONG|馬來西亞|2023|劇情片|國語、粵語、馬來語|115min|輔12級
吉隆坡的富都老社區幽影重重,聚居著一群失去身分、苟且偷生的外籍移工。聾啞哥哥阿邦認命刻苦,只求安定過活;暴走弟弟阿迪不甘低首,觸法謀生,只盼有朝一日離開富都。無父無母的兩人相依度日,幸有社工佳恩幫忙奔走辦理身分證。眼看命運即將扭轉,一場始料未及的意外,卻徹底擊碎他們向上流動的奢夢。 Abang and Adi have no parents, so the two brothers rely on each other. Abang is born mute and seeks a stable life. Since Adi refuses to give in to destiny, he sells fake documents to make money faster to leave the place. However, a fatal accident happens, throwing Abang and Adi into a dire fate once again.
導演:西里爾·舒布林Cyril Schäublin|瑞士|2022|劇情片|法語|97min|普遍級
New technologies are transforming a 19th-century watchmaking town in Switzerland. Josephine, a young factory worker, produces the unrest wheel, swinging in the heart of the mechanical watch. Exposed to new ways of organizing money, time and labour, she gets involved with the local movement of the anarchist watchmakers, where she meets Russian traveller Pyotr Kropotkin.
導演: 潔絲汀·楚特 Justine Triet|法國|2023|劇情片|英語|151min|保護級
For the past year, Sandra, a German writer, her French husband Samuel, and their eleven-year-old son Daniel have lived a secluded life in a remote town in the French Alps. When Samuel is found dead in the snow below their chalet,the police question whether he committed suicide or was killed. Samuel'sdeath is treated as suspicious, presumed murder, and Sandra becomes the main suspect. Little by little the trial becomes not just an investigation of the circumstances of Samuel's death, but an unsettling psychological journey into the depths of Sandra and Samuel's conflicted relationship.