導演: 朱平CHU Ping|臺灣|2024|劇情片|台語|19min|保護級
阿順從前便在廖仔底下的工班做事,但3年前卻不辭而別且從此無消無息,此次主動聯繫廖仔尋求工作,卻是帶著被通緝的身份。他不像廖仔總是能說話說得口沫橫飛,他顯得木訥而神秘,他未向廖仔提及過去三年的經歷,廖仔亦未多問,但廖仔仍能察覺阿順是真的走投無路了。在這塊管制森嚴的工地,阿順深怕自己通緝犯的身份暴露,他在廖仔的幫助下,有驚無險地通過工地中各個關卡,終於進入工區,但警察卻在這時找上門來,阿順與廖仔都始料未及。 Shun used to work under Liao, but he left without a word three years ago. When they meet again, Shun has become wanted. Unlike Liao, who can talk effortlessly, Shun comes across as awkward and mysterious. Without Shun mentioning the past and Liao asking, Laio can still sense that Shun is in a desperate situation. In a highly regulated construction site, though terrified of exposing his identity, Shun still navigates through all the checkpoints and finally enters the work area with Liao's help. However, just then, the police showed up unexpectedly.
導演: 黃勇嵻|臺灣|2024|劇情片|國語、台語、越南語|28min|普遍級
阮氏青春和范氏梅都是從越南來臺升學的留學生,未曾想離鄉背井來臺後的現實生活卻與預想中有極大落差,留學生和外籍勞工的身份在這裡似乎並沒有區別。不願意成為逃逸外勞的青春試圖透過轉校來取得更好的機會與未來,卻終究只是徒勞無功。青春無限,築夢踏實。留學黑工,臺灣製造。 Ching-Chun, Nguyễn and Mei are both international students from Vietnam to Taiwan; however the reality is so different from what was anticipated. There seems to be no differentiation between international students and migrant helpers. Determined to have a different path, Ching-Chun, Nguyễn tries to transfer schools in hopes of a better opportunity and future; nonetheless, all in vain.
導演: 袁緒虎|臺灣|2024|紀錄片|國語|32min|普遍級|普遍級
近年來隨著離岸風場海域開發之蓬勃發展 ,水下作業日益殷切需求,考量到該產業工作環境之特殊性與高風險性,相關職能技術之習得與安全防範機制的建立,成為日後勞動安全訓練關注的重要議題。 為針對該產業設立相關專業培訓單位及適當的職安機制,使水下焊接人員具備足夠的工作職能及安全規範,降低作業風險,勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所參採各式國際訓練教材內容及專家學者建議,編制《水銲員》之水下銲接人員訓練影片教材。 本片以紀錄形式結合劇情片手法進行。真實重現舊有師徒制的學習階段,如何導致技術無法更精進及產生安全疑慮,同時了解水焊工工作的現況與處境。影片重現職場培訓練的過程,呈現透過轉場轉至實地操作畫面,操作中展現專業與技術純熟,引導至演練意外所需具備之快速且專業之問題解決能力,最後將鏡頭帶到目前重大工程的空拍做為結尾。 In recent years, with the rapid development of offshore wind farms, there has been an increasing demand for underwater operations. Considering the unique and high-risk nature of this industry, acquiring professional technical skills and establishing safety mechanisms have become key, however, are what our country currently lacks. Without comprehensive and adequate competencies and regulations, the risks for underwater welders will significantly increase. For this reason, Institute of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health, MInistry of Labor, has referenced credible international professional underwater welding training courses, classifications, certification systems, and current practices. At the same time, panels are held to discuss the necessity and feasibility of such training, with suggestions in curriculums, duration, and management given. The aim is to systematically outline the future paths for the local industry. Given the importance and necessity of addressing this issue, the research takes into account various international resources and expert interviews to develop an audiovisual training material "Underwater Welder," this local resource is in support of the development program proposed by the government and hopes to contribute to the underwater welding industry.
導演: 梁珮綺|臺灣|2023|紀錄片|台語|27min|保護級
正值壯年的嚕米曾是無家者,因家庭失和、創業失敗,過上居無定所的生活長達十年;直到他加入以洗地、遺屋清潔為工作業務的友洗社創,逐漸累積專業技能,試圖重返社會。 此片透過被攝者的生命歷程,反映無家者因其社會身分,在試圖回歸社會、重返勞動市場時所需面對的阻礙與挑戰。同時藉由友洗社創的創立理念和工作情形,凸顯社會企業在提供勞動機會和產生社會支持系統的重要性,不僅提供實際的工作機會,也透過培訓無家者的專業技職技能,重新建立其經濟能力和自我價值,在支持弱勢群體和協助他們重返社會的路途上扮演著重要的角色。 Lumi, who was once homeless for ten years due to family discord and business failures, has finally reintegrated into the society since joining social enterprise, which provides cleaning services for public spaces and abandoned properties. This film reflects the journey of Lu Mi, highlighting the obstacles faced by the homeless community in the labor market and everyday life due to their social status. It also emphasizes the importance of social enterprises like social enterprise in providing job opportunities and creating a social support system. By offering employment and vocational training, these organizations help rebuild the financial strength and self-worth of the homeless individuals; they play a crucial role in the integration back into society of the precarious groups.
導演: 朱治潔|臺灣|2024|紀錄片|國語|44min|普遍級
莉娜來自印尼,來臺灣擔任家庭看護工,在奶奶家6年了。幾乎沒有休假的她,每天都要煮飯、做家務,到了過年期間甚至要烹煮一家十幾人份的年夜菜。儘管工作很多,莉娜總是熱情的對待奶奶,被罵也從不抱怨。莉娜原本是來照顧爺爺的,爺爺死掉後工作約也即將到期,這些年在臺灣賺的錢已足夠在印尼買一間大房子。然而奶奶希望莉娜繼續留下來陪她,莉娜猶豫了一陣子,答應了。基於好奇心,導演藉著拍作業的名義,一窺奶奶和莉娜的生活。 Lina comes from Indonesia and has been working as a caretaker for the grandmother in Taiwan for six years. With almost no days off, she cooks and does houseworks every day, including preparing New Year's dinner for the whole family during the holiday season. Despite the heavy workload, Lina always approaches the grandmother with passion. Lina originally came to take care of the grandfather; after he passed away, her work contract almost expired. Over the years in Taiwan, she has earned enough to afford a mansion in Indonesia. However, when the grandmother asked her to stay, Lina agreed with little hesitation. Out of curiosity, I decided to take a closer look at the lives of Lina and the grandmother for a filming project.
導演: 郭延恭|臺灣|2021|紀錄片|國語|49min|普遍級
一般在求職面試時會被問到「你的專長和能力是什麼?你對職涯的規劃?⋯」等問題,但是對很多的身障者而言,可能會先被質疑「你身體不便,能夠勝任這份工作嗎?」以優異成績畢業的婕好,求職時卻屢屢碰壁,究竟能否順利找到一份工作呢?罹患透納氏症的曉君,個子嬌小但滿身能量,是超商獨當一面的超級銷售員。先天多重障礙的承遠,渴望靠自己的雙手賺錢來幫媽媽分擔家計。罹患脊髓性肌肉萎縮症的永德,以口代手,打造出自己的斜槓人生。透過身障朋友在職場上的各種真實經歷,帶大家一探身障就業之迷思與身障朋友如何解讀工作之意義! Usually in a job interview, candidates might be asked about their professions and career plans. However, for many with disabilities, the first question is usually, "Given your physical challenges, can you handle the job?" Despite graduating with excellent grades, Chieh-yu has been hitting the wall in her job search. Will she be able to find a job?Hsiao-chun, who has Turner syndrome, may be small, but her energy makes her excel in her job as a sales person in the supermarket. Cheng-yuan, who has multiple congenital disabilities, is eager to earn money to help support the household. Kenron, who has spinal muscular atrophy, uses his mouth instead of his hands to create a slash career.Through their experiences, we can explore the misconceptions surrounding disability employment and understand how the community interprets the meaning of work in their lives.
導演: 劉純佑|臺灣|2023|劇情片|國語、越南語|81min|輔12級
透過婚姻買賣嫁到臺灣、以改善母國家人生活的越南新住民黎清清,離取得身分證的日子不遠了; 她想方設法避免成為丈夫的生孩子工具,又偷在色情養生館工作,渴望早點轉夠錢、以擁有往後人生的自由。苦悶日常中,只有和正值青春期的繼女白家家打鬧和談心時,黎清清才得以喘息一下,也因此仍感到對這個家的責任感。 而一位奇怪的客人總是到養生館找黎清清, 打亂了平淡的日常 …也讓她認知到,一切不只是取得身分證及賺夠錢那麼簡單。被婚姻買賣者於經濟弱勢下,常靠灰色地帶的身體和情感勞動、以爭取更好的經濟條件;但在家庭中亦有某種形式的身心勞動、於利益互換的婚約中期望被實踐。 To improve her family's quality of life back in Vietnam, Lê Thanh Thanh accepted a marriage in Taiwan for money. Soon to receive her ID card, she strives to avoid being relegated to solely being a childbearing tool for her husband. She works at an adult massage center without anyone's knowledge, hoping to expeditiously accumulate the necessary financial resources to gain future independence.